Friday, April 7, 2017


Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Abraham Lincoln

Senator Mitch McConnell and his band of merry men have stolen a supreme Court nomination for Trump. That nomination was rightfully President Barrack Obama's to make. 
They stole it using a bullshit argument to justify their blatant obstruction of the most honorable, capable intelligent President we have had in my lifetime.
They did it in part because he had the audacity to hope that he could make life better for all Americans.
Oh, and because he was a half African American man raised by his Caucasian single mother and educated in the Ivy League schools where, in their eyes he should have been taking orders in one of the local fast food joints.
They didn't do this for the good of the American people. 
They didn't do it for the protection of the United States from it's enemies foreign and domestic as they took an to do.
The truth is... 
They did it for greed.
They did it for money.
They did it for power.
Ultimately they did it because they have been bought and paid for by people and organizations who care nothing about making anyone's life better.
They don't care if  the people of the United States (or any other country) live or die. 

They care only that their actions increase their profits and power.
In other words they did it because they are people who embraced the "greed is good" and "the one who finishes with the most toys wins" philosophy of the Reagan era.
They stole it and used the so called nuclear option doing away with the Senate filibuster to confirm Neil Gorsuch, a far right, pro business conservative, who believes that the Constitution should be interpreted as a static document as it was written in the 18th century, instead of the living document it was designed to be. 
A document flexible enough to adapt to the changes that the founders knew, as men who looked toward the future were inevitable.
They stole it and when they were blocked did what they and their masters always do.
They changed the rules to get their way.
Just like a spoiled child who throws a temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way.
Now that it is done any 5-4 decision handed down by the Supreme Court will be tainted for me.
Whether I agree or disagree with it
If President Obama's moderate nominee Merric Garland was given a fair hearing and confirmed as he should have been, about 75% of those decisions would probably go the other way.

I'll go out on a limb and say they would probably be much better decisions for the improvement of the majority of the American people's lives.

This nightmare to be continued...

1 comment:

  1. I ping pong back and forth from horror to anger to tears..I just don't know how it has come to this..greedy motherfuckers..taking us back 100 years..we will never and I repeat..never recover from this.
